2022 NASCAR Driver Packs are comin' in hot with 2 exciting challenges!
Complete Set Collection Challenge
Collect ICONS from all 30 drivers, 3 of the ICONs must be Rares and win the Chaser Tricon which features the top 3 finishers from 2022. ICONs can be purchased from the primary marketplace (by purchasing and opening up Driver packs) or the secondary marketplace.
Fans who complete the Driver Series Collection Challenge at the time of the snapshot will win a Tricon ICON featuring NASCAR’s Chase Elliot, Ross Chastain & Christopher Bell. Click here for the 2022 NASCAR ICON Driver Series Checklist.
To qualify, you must hold the required ICONs in your Candy collection as of 5:00 PM ET on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 when the snapshot takes place. For best practice, please hold all collectibles required as part of this challenge for at least an hour after this snapshot takes place. Full Terms here.
Inserts Collection Challenge
Collect all 4 "Track Titan" historical driver card inserts and win a special edition 75th anniversary pack with a rarity that will not be for sale and will only be given to the fans who successfully complete the Inserts Challenge.
Collectors who have all 4 Historical ICON Inserts in their collection at the time of the snapshot will win a Special edition 75th Anniversary Lee Petty Historical ICON. Click here for the 2022 NASCAR ICON Driver Series Checklist which includes the Historical Inserts edition sizes.
To qualify, you must hold the required ICONs in your Candy collection as of 5:00 PM ET on Tuesday, January 3, 2023 when the snapshot takes place. For best practice, please hold all collectibles required as part of this challenge for at least an hour after this snapshot takes place. Full Terms here.